Haiti Creates is actually the new brand name (as of March, 2019) for the line of products now being made in what was initially (2016) called the "Karma Yoga Bag" factory. The factory itself was renamed the Cite Soleil Art Center (CS Art Center for short) by its Haitian owners and community in 2018.
The video below was put together to describe the initial vision of this company. While we still enthusiastically sell the yoga mat bags, we realized that we needed to broaden the product line of the factory. So the Haitian leaders and owners of the factory decided to rename and rebrand the line of products under the name, "Haiti Creates." In addition to now selling three different sizes and styles of yoga mat bags, Haiti Creates also makes bracelets and earrings from recycled cereal boxes, reusable shopping bags, and draw string back backs. Please be in touch with us if you have any questions about the factory or the vision of Haiti Creates.